Thursday, June 21, 2012

Review: House of Rejects: A Novel

House of Rejects: A Novel
House of Rejects: A Novel by Devin Hobbes

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

'House of Rejects' by Devin Hobbes is an interesting tale of Roger Wharton, a young third grader who has to deal with the ins and outs of daily life while also dealing with family tragedies. When Roger's mother dies and his father abandons him, Roger finds himself living in his friend Tommy's home. This seems to work for awhile, but Roger throughout the book tries to understand the family and why each person living under the same roof has their own bit of strangeness.

The message of the book is interesting in that it does point out various instances of intolerance from a variety of sources, but the story itself seemed really confused at times. There were so many details included, especially at the beginning, that the reader needs to wade through it to get to the better parts of the story.

Overall, I think this quote from the book sums up the events of Roger's life: "The quest for stability in a world of chaos often led to one kind of pain or another."

*Reviewer received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads

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