Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Review: An Unlikely Goddess

An Unlikely Goddess
An Unlikely Goddess by Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An unlikely Goddess is the story of Sita, a girl born into the traditional Indian family, though as the first born, she is not as welcome as she would have been if she had been a boy. Throughout the Sita's life in India and in America, she is face with obstacles that have much more to do with her cultural upbringing, traditional parents and the American culture surrounding her than anything else. It is Sita's journey in life to find out who she is and where she belongs.

I have read a number of books by Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar and this story does what many of here other books do--present a culture clash and how the person stuck in the middle is able to find their way with a balance of tradition and current culture. The author writes this in such a way that it serves as a very realistic picture of how people thrown into new cultures can sink or swim, depending on their determination and their decisions on what to hold on to and what to let go. Along with this cultural awareness, this book is simply a good read as well with plenty of family drama, romance and growth in a very solid main character.

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