Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Review: The Chaos of Longing

The Chaos of Longing The Chaos of Longing by K.Y. Robinson
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

The Chaos of Longing is a book of poetry that contains four sections, each with a different theme that surrounds the idea of loving, losing and finding yourself in and outside of relationships. In terms of what I liked, there were a few pieces here and there, but not memorable enough to want to read them over again. It's a collection that contains a lot of repetition in it's phrases and themes, so that may be why nothing stands out as a wow-moment. This collection is quite a lot like the whole modern poetry movement--no fancy metaphors, no flowery language, just simple ideas with a message (usually messages of finding ways to heal after bad relationships). This may work for people who aren't familiar with poetry at all, but I find it a little too repetitive with what's already out there in the market.

*Book provided by NetGalley

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