Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Review: Tell Me You're Mine

Tell Me You're Mine Tell Me You're Mine by Elisabeth Norebäck
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Stella is a woman who deals with the grief of her lost daughter every single day -- even though she has a successful practice and a picture-perfect husband and son. But when a young woman enters her office and reminds her so much of her daughter Alice, Stella is worried that she may be losing it, or she may have just found the only thing she's ever wanted.

This story is told through the perspective of three women: Stella, Isabelle (who Stella believes is her daughter Alice), and Kerstin, Isabelle's mother. These women all have everything at stake, and their interactions with each other throughout the book prove them to all be unreliable narrators. It is up to the reader to determine who has been telling the truth, who has been duped, and who is spinning the web of lies they all have believed for so long.

This book didn't convey the same urgency as other thrillers of the same genre mostly because the author leaves enough clues in the beginning of the story to guess at what will happen in the end. Although readers may not be able to accurately determine which of the women is sane and which are unhinged from the beginning, it's pretty clear that the story takes you exactly where you want to go.

*Book provided by NetGalley

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