Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Review: The Hollow Man by Paul Hollis

The Hollow ManThe Hollow Man by Paul Hollis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Hollow Man is an interested, fast-paced thriller that provides equal amounts of action, suspense and intrigue as the main character travels across Europe to destroy terrorists before they have a chance to destroy Europe's economy. Along the way, the narrator teams up with Zita, a British agent that he's known from previous encounters with the men he's chasing after. The book takes the reader from Spain to France, all the while the narrator is haunted by a young girl, dead from one of the terrorist's sinister plots.

This book follows the typical pattern of any thriller, but with a foreign flair. The European setting adds more intrigue and provides a history that more modern-day thrillers cannot provide. The story is also set in the 1970s, which provides the author with many real-life historical events that can be tied to the narrator's experiences chasing down the bad guys. Overall, this is a fun book to read and will probably be fast for most readers because they can't wait to see what happens next.

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