Friday, January 30, 2015

Review: How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day-Job With My Blog [Kindle Edition]

How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day-Job With My Blog [Kindle Edition]
How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day-Job With My Blog [Kindle Edition] by Bob Lotich

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

While I knew diving right into a free ebook called “How To Make Money Blogging” would probably not benefit me in any way, I decided to read it anyway to see if I could pick up some tips that I hadn’t heard before. It didn’t work out that way. This book is written specifically for people who apparently aren’t aware of this thing called the Internet and those little things called blogs. The book is basically a tool for the author’s other ventures, particularly when you see that there are numerous discount codes available for recommended products and services to set up your blog. Of course, those are provided along with recommendations for products, services and sources that the author has never even used, but apparently hear good things about. Really?

Once you get into the meat of the book (which isn’t that long in the first place), you will learn about Google AdSense and how that can be a main stream of income for your blog. Except for the fact that hundreds (if not thousands) of bloggers and website owners find their AdSense accounts getting banned right before payout time on a regular basis (recommended read: http://www.businessinsider.com/google-adsense-class-action-lawsuit-2014-5), which essentially makes this book useless. Unless you are making money from direct sales for ads, a blog without AdSense doesn’t really have the opportunity to make money on its own, though it can still be the launching pad for getting paid gigs and other paid opportunities elsewhere.

The real kicker of this book is that is skips from giving you the definition of a blog to telling you what lines of code your can add to your site to do different things. The book tries to engage way too many different audiences and doesn’t provide enough information and insight for any of them. And the fact that there is exactly one line talking about social media (absolutely the BEST and FREE way to help promote your blog) is mind-boggling. If you really want to learn how to put a blog together that is successful in readership and profitable, I would find another source of information.

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