Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Review: Dear Los Angeles: The City in Diaries and Letters, 1542 to 2018

Dear Los Angeles: The City in Diaries and Letters, 1542 to 2018 Dear Los Angeles: The City in Diaries and Letters, 1542 to 2018 by David Kipen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Dear Los Angeles is a unique look at the city throughout its existence, from the days before California became a state to present day. Each letter and journal entry belonging to a person who has a unique point of view of their daily lives in the City of Angels.

This book was a bit hit and miss for me. I truly enjoyed the letters that belonged to people that I recognized, such as musicians, writers, and those in Hollywood past and present. The more historical accounts I couldn't really get into because I know very little about west coast history in general. I may have enjoyed it a bit more if I had read the physical copy instead of the ebook because it would have been easier to quickly flip to the back to read the bio of those I did not recognize. That said, anyone who has a deep interest in Los Angeles history will probably want to pick this one up.

*Book provided by NetGalley

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