Thursday, February 21, 2019

Review: If My Body Could Speak

If My Body Could Speak If My Body Could Speak by Blythe Baird
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If My Body Could Speak is a collection that dives deep into the topics of relationships (both toxic and not), feminism, eating disorders, assault, and the relationship of victim/survivor to an individual's traumatic experiences, which could be triggers to someone who has been through the same experiences.

The collection has many poems that have appeared in other places, so some readers may be familiar with a few of these pieces. Each piece works to speak in simple language, but that doesn't mean that it skimps on turns of phrase that you need to stop and appreciate. I think that many people would find this collection relatable, specifically because no matter what someone has been through, there is no clear happy ending in sight, and this collection doesn't end on one of those either.

*Book provided by NetGalley

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