Saturday, August 3, 2013

Review: Last Car Over the Sagamore Bridge

Last Car Over the Sagamore Bridge
Last Car Over the Sagamore Bridge by Peter Orner

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Last Car Over the Sagamore Bridge by Peter Orner is a beautifully written collection of short stories that get to the base of human emotion and interaction. While some of the stories are pages long, others are as short as a paragraph, but still leave the reader with a powerful image to take away. Most of the stories center around Midwestern locations and Midwestern residents, which provides a certain atmosphere that other areas of the country just don't have.

I enjoyed Orner's style of writing, though like all short story authors, some of the stories made an impact while others were just sitting there without a real purpose or connection. I do think that the shortest stories tended to provide the reader with the most bang for their buck, and my favorite out of the whole collection was "Fourteen-Year-Olds, Indiana Dunes, Late Afternoon." Overall, if you enjoy reading literary short story collections, this is a great book to pick up.

*Reviewer received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads

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